Mumbai: In a very tragic incident, a 16-year-old boy died after hanging himself from a tree at their farm in Maharashtra recently. It has been reported that the boy ended his life for not getting a new smart phone due to financial crisis of the father. However, after the death of the son, his father also ended his life by hanging himself with the same rope. The incident took place in Minaki village in Biloli Tahasil in Nanded district of Maharashtra on Thursday morning.
As per reports, the teenager boy had asked his father to buy a new smartphone for him. However, his father expressed his inability to fulfil this demand of his son because he is a poor man who cannot afford the high price of the smartphone.
As per reports, on Wednesday evening also the boy again asked his father for the smartphone and his father denied because lack of money. Later, the boy went outside and the family thought that he might have gone to their farm. However, as he did not return, the family members, including the mother, father and two elder brothers of the boy went to their farm. Among them the father was the first to reach the farm. As he noticed that his son had hanged himself from a tree, he reportedly got the body of the son down and hanged himself using the same rope.
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