
British car show: a royal treat – Tri County Sentry



Channel Islands—The seasons may be changing, but the fun continues at The Harbor, as the 2024 Central Car Club Show filled Harbor View Park with unique autos to enjoy, ask questions, and hear amazing stories from their owners.

CENTRAL Coast British Car Club President Ted Carlsen has been the President and chaired the Car Show for two years.

“The car show has been going on for 33 years,” he said. “We started preparing and planning for this about eight months ago. We have a crew of volunteers, about 40 people, who park cars, get everything set up, and put the show together.”

He owns “a couple” of British cars, which started with his friends.

“I like everything with four wheels,” he said. “British cars are unique; there’s not many of them around.”

His first British car was a Jaguar 2015 F-Type.

“I also have a 1963 Morgan, which is a lot of fun to drive around,” he said. “Most British cars are designed to be sports cars and are designed to experience the open road. The Roadster has no tops on them, and they handle very well. They have small engines, very light cars, and fun on curvy roads.”



Carlsen said the Central Coast British Car Club is getting ready to celebrate its 40th Anniversary and started as a spinoff from another club.

“We have almost 150 members,” he said. “Today, we have almost 170 cars at the show, and we’re pretty well known through the British car community.”

Fireball Tom Lawrence hosts Wheels and Waves each month at Channel Islands Maritime Museum, but he loves cars and enjoys all the unique auto treasures.

“My favorite British Car is not here, the Lotus Submarine from the James Bond movies,” he said. “It’s not an easy car to take that to a car show.”

He did notice a red Lotus.

“You appreciate cars more when you hear people’s stories,” he said. “You can look at a TR6 or TR3, and they’re beautiful cars, but when someone comes up and says you won’t believe what happened to me in this car, you appreciate them more. I enjoy talking to people, and Tommy, who I work with, loves British cars; it’s making him happy today.”



Lawrence loves being out in the grass and enjoying the day.

“I love talking to the people, meeting and hanging out with all the dogs,” he said. “I bought a Mini when they came out in 2002, and my friend Frank Stephenson designed them. He was the chief designer for Maserati and Ferrari. He also designed the Fiat 500.”

Jeff Pfieler and his dog, Jet, live close by and thought looking at all the cars would make for a great day.

“The Rolls Royce over there is beautiful,” he said. “I drive a pickup truck.”

He feels blessed and lucky to live at Channel Islands Harbor.

“It’s pretty nice, and Jet and I are doing okay.”

Bill Atkinson likes all the cars.



“I don’t have a favorite; I just like them all,” he said.

Bill Czerwanski from the Ventura County Cruising Club brought his 1959 Morris Miner Traveler to the show and said he’s owned Morris Miner Travelers for 45 years.

“This one I’ve owned for about two years,” he said. “I used to work at a British Auto Parts store; a guy would come in with a Morris Minor. They were different; I liked them; I like everything different.”

He said his Minor is a sim­ple car requiring little upkeep.

“The English designed the car for its time, and it’s a really simple car to work on,” Czerwanski said. “The Harbor has a great background and really nice people; the weather is perfect, so you can’t go wrong.”

Eric Oltmann had just had his knee replaced, but he still wanted to be part of the British Car Show, so he brought his Wife’s 1953 Jaguar.

“She’s had this car for about 45 years,” he said. “We were in Los Angeles one day and said look at that car. I’ve got to have that car.”



He said his Wife bought the car the next day, and it wasn’t in great shape.

“It was in adequate condition, and it was her daily driver for many years, Czerwanski said. “About 25- 30 years ago, I said it’s time to do a restoration on this car, so I did a backyard body off on the car.”

He turned every nut and bolt on the car except for the rear end.

“This was never meant to be a show car; this was her daily driver,” he said. “I’ve done many things to make it a better driving car, so it drives very well.”

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