The launch of the Galaxy S25 series is just around the corner. Samsung will hold its first Unpacked event of 2025 on January 22. The company could add a Slim model to the lineup this year, though it is not yet certain whether it will launch alongside the vanilla, Plus, and Ultra variants. That said, a new leak claims that the Galaxy S25 Ultra will boast significant improvements in low-light video recording.
From what we know so far, Samsung will not make major changes to the hardware in its upcoming flagship phones. The Galaxy S25 Ultra’s camera system might be very similar to the S24 Ultra’s, with the exception of a new ultra-wide sensor. So, the improvements in terms of image quality will be heavily software-based.
Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra could get major improvements in low-light video recording
Now, reliable tipster Ice Universe claimed on Weibo that the Galaxy S25 Ultra will offer higher-quality low-light video recording compared to previous models. While there are no more specific details about the improvements, those interested in Samsung’s next-gen mobile flagship can expect an even more capable device for audiovisual content creation.
However, there is bad news for owners of Samsung’s older flagship devices. The source claims that the firm relies heavily on chip performance to implement such improvements. All signs point to the Galaxy S25 Ultra being powered by the powerful Snapdragon 8 Elite chip. While the better-quality video recording will be software-based, the file processing could require hardware resources that are not available on previous models. This may include ISP, NPU, and CPU performance.
In other words, not even the current Galaxy S24 Ultra will get the improved video recording due to hardware limitations. Another interesting thing is that the leaker’s post specifically mentions the Galaxy S25 Ultra. This suggests that the vanilla, Plus, and Slim models will not offer it. The reasons behind this are unknown, as all variants in the S25 lineup will use the same chip.
Samsung could be reserving exclusive features for its next Ultra phone
This isn’t the only exclusive video-focused feature leaked for the Galaxy S25 Ultra. A report from earlier said that Samsung could also add an “Object Eraser” feature for editing videos.