A DFL Pizza and Programs session will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Beltrami County DFL Party office in Bemidji. This month’s discussion features Sherry Kloha, part of the Indivisible Bemidji leadership team. The public is welcome to learn about this organization and how it promotes a progressive agenda, fairness and common well-being for all citizens by fueling grassroots, inclusive processes that support democracy.
It’s Open Mic Night starting at 7 p.m. at the Armory Arts & Events Center.
Friends of the Park Rapids Area Library are having a pop-up book sale from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the library. Freewill donations will be accepted by cash or check only; no change is available. For more information, visit
The Bemidji Public Library is holding a recipe swap at 2 p.m. with Lake Bemidji State Park artists-in-residence Monica Rojas and Nicole Rojas-Oltmanns. Decorate and exchange recipes to take home, inspired by Tashia Hart’s “The Good Berry Cookbook.” For more information, contact Kate at 218-751-3963 or egelhofk@krls.org.
Bemidji Adventures in Lifelong Learning presents “Country Records and Real IDs” from 10 to 11 a.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church in Bemidji. Beltrami County Recorder Charlene Sturk and License Center Division Director Leala Roth will speak about their offices’ services, birth, death, passport, historical and current real estate records and all about licenses. If Bemidji public schools are canceled or late, ALL will not meet.