
A collection of questions about the Apple Watch (First Apple Watch) – MacRumors


I’m thinking of getting my first apple watch, however I’m not in the financial position to spend that amount of money lightly.
If you don’t mind, I have a few questions about the device’s general use to help me make an informed decision.

First I’ll quickly describe the sort of user I’d be.
I’m not interested in wearing the device all the time as an actual watch; I personally think it looks hideous.
I plan to use it exclusively for fitness use, and only when doing workouts.

I have always been very active.
I walk about 8km each day, every week, every month, and I eat quite healthy.
For this purpose only, the stock iPhone app is more than fine.

What I’d like to do, though, is to make my fitness routine more varied, reducing the amount of walking a little and introduce other types of excercises; for that I need sometjing that’d be able to track my fitness routine a little more precisely.

Consider I’m also planning to get a fitness+ subscription.

I’m not interested in the blood oxygen, sleep quality measurements, trekking functions and whatnot.

So, I’ll just drop a few questions.
Thank you:

1- Can the watch track how much you walk without using location services? I know it’s just a placebo effect, but I don’t like using location services/gps.

2- can I split my daily calories target between different types of excercises? (like 300Kcal walking, 50kCal aerobic, 100kcal weightlifting and so on)?

3- Can the watch track excercises performed while static (like using an excercise bike or a treadmill) well?

4- Can I disable sleep tracking? (knowing my personality I’d easily get into sleep anxiety, therefore sleeping even worse). Mind you, I won’t even wear the thing while sleeping.

5- Can I authenticate payments/logins on mac with an SE?

6- Will the watch integrate with my current progress and trends in the fitness app?

7- Is the watch more precise than just the iPhone’s tracking? Sometimes it clearly shows less calories/distance than I have covered, and the update speed for the values is very slow.

8- Can the watch be configured to start a workout as soon as I wear it?

9- Is the iPhone+Apple watch Fitness+ experience any good? Most of the time I see it demoed is with an iPad or Apple TV.

Thank you very much!


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