Google has announced, alongside the launch of Samsung’s Galaxy S25 phones, that it has improved support for Android users with visual or hearing impairments, including improvements to the screen reader and connectivity to hearing aids.
Thanks to support for LE Audio technology in Android 15, there will now be lower latency in the connection to hearing aids from GN Hearing and Oticon Intent.
The update also makes it possible to make calls hands-free, and to customise personal audio settings.
The new audio features are available now on Android 15 for the Galaxy S25 phones and in the beta version of Android 16 for the Pixel 9 phones, but will roll out to the Galaxy S24 and other Android 15 phones in the coming weeks.
For those with visual impairments, the Galaxy S25 phones will now launch enhanced support for connecting to Braille displays via Bluetooth, with the feature rolling out to other Android 15 devices in the coming weeks.
In addition, the Galaxy S25 phones’ screen readers will now be better at describing images.
This article originally appeared on our sister publication M3 and was translated and adapted from Swedish.