
Carnie's Comments – Facebook Friday –


Carnie’s Comments


It’s time to feature the best of the best on Facebook Friday!

Here’s a pet loving friend of mine who shares, “You should be allowed to leave work early if you miss your dog.”

This fella says, “Your wife may take two hours to get ready but if you don’t have your shoes on when she’s ready to go, you are the problem.”

One of my favourite Facebookers says, “Show your true self…disappoint everyone.”

That same guy shares, “David Hasselhoff has changed his name to David Hoff. It’s less hassel that way.”

I like this, “I’m driving to my stupid job today because society refuses to collapse.”

This friend says, “When someone asks me about my family I have to decide whether to give them the Disney version or the Jerry Springer version.”

Here’s as funny fella who writes, “When my friend Joyce learned she could clone herself…she rejoiced.”

And one more, perfect for Friday, “I don’t have any bad habits. I’m good at all of them.”






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