
ChatGPT's user base is skyrocketing

There’s no doubt that OpenAI’s ChatGPT is the most popular AI chatbot on the market. It quickly grew from the moment people found out that it could empower their creativity…. and let them cheat on their school reports. Well, according to the company, ChatGPT now has more than 250 million weekly active users.

There are a ton of powerful AI tools on the market nowadays like Gemini, Grok, Claud, Perplexity, and so on. However, ChatGPT is the household name amongst the group. It’s pretty synonymous with chatbots in general. When people casually refer to the act of asking a chatbot to do something, they say “asking ChatGPT.” It’s essentially like how people use the term “Google” to refer to the act of looking something up on the internet.

Now, ChatGPT has more than 250 million weekly users

The company (via Engadget) revealed that “every week, over 250 million people around the world use ChatGPT to enhance their work, creativity, and learning.” This is an impressive number in and of itself, but what makes it substantial is just how quickly this number is going up. Back in August, we found out that the company had 200 million users. So, in less than two months, the company was able to bring on 50 million users.

We’re not sure what could cause this surge in users… correction; we can guess if we’re being cynical. School is now in full swing in most places. So, there’s always the chance that students are all hopping on to ChatGPT to “help” them with their homework. If so, then it won’t bode well for students for the rest of the year.

This just goes to show that, no matter how many other chatbots are on the market, ChatGPT will continue to be the de facto choice for people. OpenAI is going up against trillion-dollar companies like Microsoft, Google, and Meta, and its chatbot is still at the top of the pecking order. While Microsoft uses OpenAI’s models, it still offers its unique experience with its own user base.

We’re not sure if this meteoric rise will continue for the company or if there will be some company to steal the crown.


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