
Dad Shows Off In His 1966 Corvette And Pays The Price – Yahoo Autos

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Dad Shows Off In His 1966 Corvette And Pays The PriceDad Shows Off In His 1966 Corvette And Pays The Price

Dad Shows Off In His 1966 Corvette And Pays The Price

Showing off in your hobby car is a good way to get in a bad accident, especially after it’s been sitting for a few months. That’s exactly what happens to this dad as he pulls his 1966 Corvette out of the garage after storing it for the winter. The guy apparently wanted to impress his daughter’s boyfriend for some weird reason, suffering disastrous consequences.

Mustang crashes into a Corvette while showing off for a crowd.

According to the C2 Corvette, owner, he had stashed the classic American sports car in his basement garage for the previous six months. After getting it out to enjoy in the nice weather, he spun the tires on the way to his upper garage so he could prep it for driving on the open road again.

The thing is, after the ’66 Chevy Corvette sat all that time, the brake pressure dropped to nothing. We’re not sure if he had a fluid leak or what, but the guy realized the problem as he came rolling down his sloped driveway to the upper garage, the brake pedal depressing to the floor with zero resistance.

Can you imaging the sick twist in your stomach you’d feel in this situation? The guy no doubt panicked, but he says he did pull the emergency brake and it failed completely. This is why inspecting your hobby car after it’s sat for a bit before you try showing off, taking it down a steep slope, or doing anything else foolish is highly recommended.

We also don’t recommend trying to impress your daughter’s boyfriend, ever. He’s supposed to be impressing you, not the other way around. This guy violated the natural order and his beautiful ’66 Corvette gets crunched as it runs into the brick house, smashing the fence as well.

And the whole thing was caught on his home surveillance camera. The conversation with the insurance company must’ve been fun. But what we want to know is how impressed the boyfriend was?

Image via ViralHog/YouTube

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