The popular anime and light novel series Spice and Wolf, most recently known for releasing the anime remake series Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf, has teamed up with sake brewing company Tentaka Shuzo for a very special winter beverage. The two have collaborated to release a mead inspired by the series’ heroine, Holo, revealing a limited-edition “Holo’s Apple Mead.”
The Tentaka Shuzo website’s description of the mead reads, “It is an elegant and elegant liquor that combines the gorgeous aroma of honey and the refreshing taste of apples. Honey wine is said to be the ‘oldest sake’ that mankind encountered more than 14,000 years ago, and it is a liquor that has a long history like Holo, including the West. Why don’t you recall the story of the two while enjoying easy-to-drink apples and honey alcohol?”
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The Holo’s Apple Mead is currently priced at 5,500 yen (approximately US$35) per 720 ml bottle. The wine began to be available for purchase on the Tentaka Shuzo website from Dec. 18, 2024, and can be ordered until Jan. 21, 2025. Purchases are limited to three bottles per order, with delivery expected by March 31, 2025. Each bottle come in a limited-edition Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf-themed case. However, production is limited, so sales will only continue while supplies last.
Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf, produced by animation studio Passione, premiered in 2024 as a remake of the 2008 anime Spice and Wolf produced by studio Imagin. The franchise originally premiered in 2006 as a light novel series by Isuna Hasekura and follows Kraft Lawrence, a wandering merchant, and Holo, a wise wolf goddess (and an avid lover of apples and drinking) in human form, as they embark on a journey through a medieval-inspired world. Together, they navigate the complexities of trade, uncover hidden truths and develop a heartfelt bond.
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Spice and Wolf Fans Await Season 2 of the In-Production Anime Remake
The Spice and Wolf light novel series gained immense popularity, later earning a manga adaptation and the popular 2008 anime adaptation, as well as a number of inspired video games. The 2008 anime series was renewed for a second season but not a third, despite the light novel series continuing. In celebration of the novel’s 15-year anniversary, the Passione anime studio remake was announced in 2022 and aired from April to September 2024. A second season of the remake was announced just before Season 1 ended. The remake covered both seasons of the 2008 Spice and Wolf anime, meaning that Season 2 will show the animated continuation of the light novel series for the first time. As of writing, a release date for the Season 2 remake anime has not been announced, although it has been confirmed to be currently in production.
For the time being, fans can enjoy watching Spice and Wolf and Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf on Crunchyroll, while those over 21 (or 20 in Japan) can sip on Holo’s Apple Mead.
In a mythical world reminiscent of historical Europe, a wandering merchant encounters a centuries-old wolf deity in the guise of a young woman. Together, they traverse the countryside, engaging in complex trade negotiations while developing a nuanced relationship. The series blends economics, romance, and mythology, offering a unique narrative about trust and companionship in a setting rich with historical overtones.
- Release Date
April 2, 2024
- Cast
Jun Fukuyama
, Ami Koshimizu - Seasons
Source: Tentaka Shuzo via X (formerly Twitter)