
Waterloo auto dealer sued – The Republic-Times

A Missouri man has sued a local automotive dealership, alleging he was intentionally deceived and was sold a pickup truck under false pretenses. 

On Feb. 18, Benjamin A. Miller of Iron County, Mo., filed a lawsuit in Monroe County Circuit Court against Springer Auto Sales, located at 6265 State Route 3 south of Waterloo.

Court documents state that in October 2024, Miller became aware of a 2012 Ford F-250 truck for sale by Springer Auto Sales.

Upon inspection of the vehicle, Miller inquired about the “extent and nature” of rust spots observed on the vehicle’s undercarriage.

The filing states that dealership owner Mark Springer “falsely advised” Miller the rust was “taken care of” through a “reconditioning process.”

In a text message to Miller dated Oct. 16, Springer allegedly told Miller, “This truck received a full mechanical and cosmetic reconditioning process and we spent a LOT of money making sure everything was done excellently. This truck is road ready, no codes, no lights and no issues.”

On Oct. 23, Miller bought the truck for a total of $34,382. 

On or before Nov. 20, Miller took the truck to a mechanic who advised him the “entire undercarriage was rusted out and had been painted over to conceal the rust.”

Miller contacted Springer, who replied there were “no issues of rust other than the front fenders” at the time of the sale.

Miller had the truck inspected again, but reported the business would not provide an estimate for the cost of repair “because of the rust, and bolts breaking, and that someone had sprayed an undercoat to cover up the rust; recommending that (Miller) return the truck and get a refund.”

The filing alleges Springer refused to cancel the sale or refund the purchase price when Miller attempted to return the vehicle.

The lawsuit claims Springer violated the Illinois Consumer Fraud Act by engaging in unfair and/or deceptive acts or practices, engaging in oppressive conduct through the employment and use of deception, fraud, false pretenses, false promises, misrepresentations, concealment and suppression and/or omission of material facts.

The suit also includes one count of common law fraud. 

In addition to the cost of the vehicle, Miller is seeking compensation for attorney and court fees and punitive damages of more than $100,000 for Springer’s alleged conduct, which is described as “outrageous, willful, wanton, malicious, without justification and in conscious disregard of the rights of others.”

An initial case management conference is set for April 28 at the Monroe County Courthouse.


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